
Whether you are going through a burnout stage or a depression stage, or both, as is often the case, that you will still suffer in much the same way and would still need treatment. One thing is certain, unless something changes, the problem will not go away on its own. If things did not work out before, they will certainly not suddenly go away after having taken some time off.

But, on the positive side, in the case of Burnout there is no initial period of detox. It is primarily getting you back into your comfort-zone, either coming from your non-comfort-zone or in most cases from your danger-zone.

That change can be biochemical or situational, it can involve a new attitude or new skills; it can even be as simple as deciding to accept your old situation as it was, but this time without the constant struggle to change it. Whatever it is, something must be different.

Our next approach will be together with the client and his/her employer or network to define what is obtainable in sense of working tasks as well as social tasks. And based on these factors, to define a treatment plan, both at Zurich Health Center and after that.