Test Burnout

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I often have a desire to escape.
I have a sense of inner emptiness.
I am indecisive.
I have erratic or incongruent emotions.
I often have a "don't care" attitude.
I don't feel like I have any control over my life.
I don't have much motivation to be with people.
My interest in friendship, food, entertainment is low.
I feel emotionally exhausted.
I feel depressed.
I rarely have a good day.
I am chronically tired and may even wake up exhausted.
I have symptoms such as heart palpitations, recurrent or lingering sickness, chest pains, or aching.
I feel "wiped out" a lot.
I feel "run down".
I feel trapped.
I feel hopeless.
I feel worthless.
I feel anxious most of the time.
What used to be a little thing sets me off and I tend to overreact.
Total =

Score: 20 - 30

You are experiencing a normal response to life and handling stress well. You are not subject to burnout. Continue your approach to life and how you are managing your stress. Consider helping or supporting others around you who exhibit signs of stress.

Score: 31 - 40

You are beginning to experience a mild amount of burnout and may be feeling a slight bit of concern. Don't let your stress level sneak up on you. Use stress management techniques to proactively manage your stress and prevent additional steps toward burnout.

Score: 41 - 60

You probably have a moderate amount of burnout. You may have been more of a possibility thinker but now are experiencing a sense of some limitations in thinking about solutions or options. This indicates that your perspective may be narrowing which will cause you to see issues as worse than they are. Be proactive in using stress management techniques.

Score: 61 - 80

You may have a significant amount of burnout. Your perspective about positivity and possibility may be limited. Your energy, stamina, physical well-being and ability to function may be limited as well. Seek help from a friend or professional to gain possibility perspective and to assist you in practicing stress management and stress reduction techniques.

Score: 81 - 100

You probably have such a significant amount of burnout that you feel limited about the possibility of anything ever changing. Though there is hope and help, it may be difficult for you to see it. Reach out to get assistance from a medical professional or counselor. Be aggressive with stress reduction and stress management techniques.

Disclaimer:  Although these questions incorporate many of the common symptoms of depression, the test is intended to be used for indicational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute a diagnosis of depression.