Test Depression

This is the depression test developed by the psychiatrist Ivan K. Goldberg. Answer all of the questions below and click CALCULATE when you have finished. Dr. Ivan Goldberg has worked as a psychiatrist in New York for many years.

On Goldberg's depression scale you can see whether you have symptoms of depression or not. You can also use the scale to see if you are making progress in your treatment, whether it is medical treatment or therapy. A five percent change is a sign of either progress or deterioration. When answering the questions, you should think back seven days, and try to evaluate your condition in this time span only. Enter to which extent the individual statements suit your condition.

But please note: The test result is NOT a final diagnosis! The scale cannot replace professional help. If you suspect that you might suffer from depression, you should contact your doctor as quickly as possible, no matter what test result you get. If you want to, you could print out the test and show it to your doctor. This might help him or her to assess your condition.


0 points: Not at all
1 point: Just a little
2 points: Partly
3 points: Moderately
4 points: Quite A lot
5 points: Very much

Once all the questions are answered, the scores are added up to give a final score and an indication of whether depression is likely.

Depression Test Questions:

I do things slowly

My future appears hopeless

It is hard for me to concentrate on reading

The pleasure and fun has gone out of my life

I find it hard to make decisions

I have lost interest in things that used to be important to me

I feel unhappy, depressed and sad

I feel agitated and unable to relax

I feel tired

It takes a lot of effort for me to do simple things

I feel guilty and I deserve to be punished

I feel like a failure

I feel numb and lifeless, more dead than alive

My sleep is disturbed; I'm sleeping too much or too little

I spend time thinking HOW I can commit suicide

I feel trapped or confined

I feel depressed even when good things happen to me

I have lost weight or put it on without being on a diet

Scoring on the Goldberg Depression Test

If your score was less than 9 then depression is not indicated.

Between 10 and 17 - possibly some minor depression

Between 18 and 21 - maybe on the verge of depression

Between 22 and 35 - minor to moderate depression indicated

Between 36 and 53 - moderate to severe depression possible

Over 54 - possibly suffering from severe depression.


It's important to remember that no test, no matter how good it is, can not give you a reliable diagnosis.

If you think you or someone close to you are experiencing symptoms of depression then you should seek professional advice either from a GP or other health professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate help.

Your GP will be able to discuss symptoms with you in much more detail and will be able to identify other factors that might be influencing how you are feeling.

Once an accurate diagnosis is made then treatment options can be discussed that will help get you back to how you used to be.


Source and copyright: Dr. Ivan K. Goldberg

The higher the number, the more severe risk of depression.

If you take the test again weekly or monthly, changes of 5 or more points between tests may be significant.

Disclaimer:  Although these questions incorporate many of the common symptoms of depression, the test is intended to be used for indicational purposes only and should not be understood to constitute a diagnosis of depression.